Strengthen back

Reverse Warrior: Engage your abdominal muscles to spare your spine!

Reverse warrior posture is one of the foundation poses for many yoga practices and is one of my favorites.  It just feels so good to get that deep stretch through the side body while strengthening your legs.  Although as with all yoga poses, alignment is crucial for this posture or lower back injuries can be created or exacerbated.  There is so much going on in this posture that it can be easy to forget to engage your abdomen as you lean back and yet it is crucial to remember this to protect your lower back.    

In this posture you are not just leaning to one side but your also leaning back.  This oblique movement can be compromising to your lower back and should be avoided if you have a recent injury.  Even with the healthiest backs, remember that this movement starts and ends in your abs! 

Warrior Two Pose for Strong legs, Open Hips and Engaged Core

Warrior two pose or Virabhadrasana II is one of the most common yoga poses you might see at your local class.  Yet often I see this pose done slightly incorrectly that can cause significant aches and pains in time.   One of the most common mishaps is when the knee tracks two far over the ankle.  This causes sheering forces on the knee and can create strain.  Also if your torso is not balanced over the hips this is going to increase strain in the lower back and looses a huge benefit of the posture.  The biggest benefit of this posture is to create a strong foundation with your legs. 

This posture will tone and increase the strength in your legs and thighs.  It also is a great posture to open up and stretch the hip and groin muscles.  Additionally with the torso over the hips and the chest open it will strengthen the back muscles and open the front of the chest.  All of us on computers drastically need that these days!  So next time your getting into this pose be mindful of these tips to get the maximum benefit and prevent injury.