
Low Back Pain and Headaches Improved with Upper Cervical Care

We all know that pain and fear of injury can stop us from doing the things in life that we really want to do and make us feel...well...just not like ourselves. Ryan came to us experiencing low back pain, which was keeping him from exercising. Ryan was becoming frustrated because when he would exercise, his low back would flair up. He was also getting headaches two to three times a week and neck pain. Ryan’s upper cervical spine was corrected and immediately he felt the pressure off his low back. He has now had four upper cervical corrections and his low back pain, neck pain and headaches are all dramatically improved just by getting his head on straight! Is your head on straight?

Fibromyalgia responds to upper cervical care: A Case Study

Alibhoy N. Resolution of Fibromyalgia Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. J. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research; June 20, 2011.

The case follows a 45 year old fibromyalgia patient with additional complaints of migraines, neck, upper back and low back pain, numbness in her fingers, bilateral sciatica, right knee pain, depression and duodenal ulcer.   She had a history of two major cervical traumas and 11 car accidents, and had seen 5 different chiropractors in 12 years.  Her activity levels were severely limited and she frequently used a wheel chair. 

Knee Chest protocol was used and the patient was seen 79 times in 17 months with 47 adjustments performed to both atlas and axis. 

At resolution of care the patient did not need the use of her wheel chair and self-reported fibromyalgia and left leg sciatica, right knee pain, chronic back pain and migraines had completely resolved.  Right leg sciatica improved 98%.  The patient was also no longer taking any of her previous routine medications. 

 Case studies are an invaluable starting point for more in-depth research.