Help with Daily Headaches

Gail was referred to our office by another doctor who she had been seeing for chronic daily headaches.  Every morning Gail would wake up with a headache, and depending on how severe her head pain was she would plan her day around it.   When she came in, we identified a misalignment in her upper neck.  Her C1 vertebra, called the Atlas bone, was out of alignment and compromising the nerves at the skull base.  She was struggling with this problem for over 8 years!  After careful analysis and gentle correction, Gail is no longer waking up with headaches.   

Our favorite part is when Gail shared that she is allowing herself to look forward to her son's wedding.  She said that before care she didn't let herself look forward to his wedding because "what if she woke up with a bad headache that day".  Now she can confidently look forward to that day with her family.